The recovery ward of St Gregory catholic hospital was started on 25th May 2021.
It has a bed capacity of 4.
After surgery patients are moved to the recovery room. An area near the operating theatre with monitoring equipment and specially trained staff. It may be called a post-anaesthesia care unit.
All patients who undergo any form of surgery or any invasive surgical procedure is brought to the recovery ward to be monitored.
While the anaesthetic wears off, nurses/midwives will check clients incision site, assess pain levels , monitor for bleeding per vaginum and monitor vital signs and fluid intake and output . They will also give medicine or fluids to help reduce side effects caused by the anaesthetic.
Patients may have several tubes in place which is also monitored.
The ward is a serene and private room where infection prevention measures are strictly adhered.
Clients spend averagely 4 to 6 hours on the ward depending on pace of recovery then transferred to the ward.
On the average 10 to 15 cases are managed in a week. 45 to 90 in a month.
The recovery the ward has by all standards greatly improved care for all clients who undergo surgical procedures.